Monday, August 4, 2008

Alexander Solzhenitsyn passed away this weekend at his home in Russia. Let me say that again, Russia. Not Soviet Union, CCCP or Evil Empire...just plain old Russia. Alex had a lot to do with the downfall...not in any physical way, I mean he didn't go out and slap Gorbachev about the Kremlin until he cried "uncle," but in a spiritual sense. Alex became the soul of Russia...and let's hope with that soul now silenced that that infernal place doesn't lose hers.

Good night sweet man...

"We have lost the harmony with which we were created, the internal harmony between our spiritual and physical being. We have lost that clarity of spirit which was ours when the concepts of Good and Evil had yet to become a subject of ridicule, shoved aside by the principle of fifty-fifty."

from the Solzhenitsyn Reader, Essays and Speeches, "The Eternal Questions Remain.

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